Friday 2 July 2010

You found it in my what?

I have a very dear friend here in Suffolk, we will call her, Charity. Charity and I have become firm friends over the course of the last year when she took one of Banana McFly's* puppies (not her real name)*. Charity is good for a giggle and much of our extremely ladylike guffawing on dog walks, stems from the fact that we a) share the same sense of humour b) completely misunderstand each other, oftn due to the 25 yr age gap between us. Our friendship is so firm that when she is moaning about her aches and pains I feel free to offer to take her to the horse vets to have her put down. So far she has desisted.
Charity has been having issues with her roof. I won't bore you with the details as I haven't a clue what the problem is and needless to say, nor does she. Enter a Bob the Builder type character called Dennis or similar. He arrives with ladders and pipes and flash lights and all sorts of things which are probably quite unnecessary but nonetheless afford him an air of competent masculinity and hence justify his hefty fee.
Five hours of thumping and whacking and shuddering later and Charity decides she had better trot outside to see what the matter is. Imagine her surprise to find a large decomposing pigeon, the equivalent of a bale of straw, a pile of bird pooh that could plug the hole in the BP oil Rig and an assortment of unidentifiable detritis including a sock. The debris was knee high.
Good LORD, she says (for it was a sight worthy of invoking the Almighty), where did all of this come from?
Pull it out yerr soffit, didn't oy?
Charity, having not taken Dennis for an armchair gynecologist, was stunned.
You pulled it out my WHAT?
Yerr soffit missus.
Listen here, says Charity, you leave my soffit out of this. I only asked where you found the bird and what-not.
Tol' you didn oy? Had to yank it out yerr soffit.
Dennis i don't need you to do anything involving my soffit. Im going inside!
She immediately phone all her friends to tell them the story. She always says:
He told me he pulled it out my soffit.
And the reply always comes
Pulled it out your what? What was he doing in your Soffit...... (silence) ... what's a soffit? Do I have one?
I suspect that there are now ladies of pensionable age across Suffolk wondering what a soffit is, if they in fact have one themselves, if not, how they can get one, and what kind of Scrabble word score that would produce.

Do you have a soffit and what have you found in it lately?

*DISCLAIMER: As ever, all creatures names have been changed to protect their identities and to preclude them from receiving ASBO's from the local authorities. Chicken thieving, pudding rustling and cow baiting are all activities which the author refuses to acknowledge may or may not be activities enjoyed by the creatures mentioned in this blog.